Sunday, February 1, 2015


I am so bored...
All i can do is watch my brother and my mom play Disney Infinity...
But i wanna watch tv...
oh well.

-xx Nikki

Thursday, January 22, 2015


my dad is in Canada now...
He's never been so far away before...
I hope he gets back soon...
Ugh i hate his work trips.
But i am feeling better.
I know God is with him over in the freezing north...

Pray for my Daddy to get home safely :)

-xx Nikki

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

11 Questions!!!

So, i was nominated by Jelena (the social fatality) to do the 11 questions.
Here are the questions/answers...
1. Would you rather bring all the fictional characters to you... or go to one fictional world with the characters?
Go into the fictional world, definitely. Hogwarts, Camp Half-Blood, Camp Jupiter... OMG awesome!!!

2.  If you could take out any seven fictional characters out for dinner who would they be and in what order would you seat them?
Percy Jackson.
Annabeth Chase
Nico Di'Angelo
Hermione Granger (stupid spelling)
Professor McGonagall (yes, im serious; dont judge)
Anne Shirley (Anne of Green Gables)
Diana Barry (^)

3. If you could teleport to your favorite celebrities house, what would you do?
Talk to her, sing with her, hang out cx (btw she is Taylor Swift)

4. Blogger or Tumblr?

5. Would you rather be grounded from blogging for a month... or be forced to live with your worst family member for a month?
Blogging groundation, probably... (dont judge my spelling/words)

6. Fudge or Chocolate Bars?
Chocolate (sorry Jelena)

7. Butterfingers or Heath?

8. If you were a billionaire, what would you do w/ your money?
Buy a bunch of my fave animals, buy a library, and... yeah lol

9. If you could see yourself in 10 years, where do you think you would be, and what would you say to yourself?
An awesome vet with a great family. I would say, "GREAT JOB!" lol

10. Disney or Nickelodeon?
Disney, all the way.
11. If you were my neighbor, what kind of stuff would we do together? (i would like to tp someones house lol)
What would we do...
Write poetry, sing, talk about hair, play games, tp someones house... yeah lol.

I nominate...
I know no one so just whoever want to i guess.
Do the same questions i did lol

-xx Nikki

Spring Break Disaster

I just found out:
My siblings spring break is the week before mine!!!!!!
Im homeschooled!!!!!!!
They are gonna kill me at home!!!!!!!!!!!
I wont be able to get any work done, ima die........................................

okie my rant is done XD

-xx Nikki

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Metal Earth

So, i have this hobby where i build these things out of metal sheets. Its a thingy called Metal Earth.
So, i was building the scorpion, and EVERYTHING ATTACHED TO THE HEAD BROKE OFF

Okie, my rant is now done.

-xx Nikki


Sorry, this is a random picture...
But its too funny not to post... XD
My bunny is apparently camera shy- she tried to hide behind the water bottle XD

Again, that was totally random...

-xx Nikki


So, yesterday was my little sister's birthday party.
It was at this climbing ninja-training (that's what they called it) place.
I swung from ropes, i climbed rope walls, i climbed rock walls, i did obstacle courses in where the obstacles were to small for me (it was meant for 9 year olds).
I am SO SORE!!!
My shoulders hurt the most...
i can hardly move my arms...
Good thing is, though, that there were some babies at the party (sibs of the party guests) and i got to take care of them, which is awesome, because i love little kids cx
Cant wait to start babysitting...
My parents say im a little bit too young, though...

wow, that was off topic XD

Anyways, i am sore.
I hope i feel better soon...

-xx Nikki